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Tag: Hospitals

Implementation of a multifaceted quality improvement intervention is associated with a decrease in the number of ordered laboratory tests

Quality Improvement Intervention Cuts Tests Ordered

Implementation of multifaceted intervention linked to decrease in number of ordered lab tests
Hospital staff members who perceive their unit is trying to do too much too quickly are more likely to also perceive problems in exchanging patient information across units

Perception of Crisis Mode Tied to Patient Info Exchange Issues

Findings among self-reported perceptions by hospital staff
For older patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

Short Hospital Stays Don’t Impair STEMI Outcomes in Seniors

Similar outcomes with discharge after 48 hours and for patients who stay in hospital for four, five days
A multifaceted intervention can improve hand hygiene compliance among emergency nurses and technicians

Intervention Improves Hand Hygiene Compliance in Nurses

Emergency nurses, technicians participated in experiential learning activities
For patients discharged from the intensive care unit

Patient Status at ICU Discharge, Not Timing, Predicts Survival

After adjustment for markers of illness severity at discharge, time of discharge does not predict survival
Fewer than half of all emergency department visits occur at the emergency department closest to a patient's home

CDC: Patients Frequently Choose ERs Further From Home

Visits within metropolitan statistical areas less likely to occur at the ER closest to home
Minority patients are less actively involved in surgeon and hospital selection for breast cancer surgery

Minority Women Less Involved in Choices for Breast CA Surgery

Black and Hispanic women with breast cancer less likely to select surgeon, hospital based on reputation
There is a lack of agreement among clinicians about who is responsible for specific roles in the medication reconciliation process

Lack of Agreement for Meds Reconciliation Responsibilities

Lack of agreement among clinicians about specific roles and responsibilities in the process
There are no significant improvements in patient outcomes associated with face-to-face handoff of patients admitted to general medical services at a large academic tertiary referral hospital

Face-to-Face Handoff Doesn’t Improve Patient Outcomes

Findings among patients admitted to general medical service at academic hospital
A handoff tool

Handoff Tool Alone Insufficient to Handle Nighttime Clinical Issues

Tool used as information source by residents in 27.7 percent of nighttime clinical encounters