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Tag: Hospitals

During 2018

Private Health Plans Pay Hospitals 247 Percent of Medicare

Relative prices average 231, 267 percent of what Medicare would pay for inpatient, outpatient services
For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

HRRP Tied to Decrease in 30-Day Readmission Rates for COPD

But increase seen in 30-day risk-standardized postdischarge mortality rates for COPD patients
For U.S. veterans with COVID-19

SARS-CoV-2 Mortality Mainly Linked to Older Age, Comorbidity

Among U.S. veterans, obesity, Black race, Hispanic ethnicity, COPD, HTN not tied to COVID-19 mortality
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis  receiving disease-modifying antirheumatic drug therapy

Glucocorticoids Linked to Hospitalized Infection Risk in RA

Risk for hospitalized infections up for patients with RA receiving DMARDs with continued glucocorticoid use
From 2006 to 2017

Mental Illness Recognition Up in U.K. General Hospital Admissions

Diagnostic recording less accurate for those with minority ethnicity, married status, better health
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) hospitalizations increased from 1998 to 2016

1998 to 2016 Saw Rise in Alcohol Use Disorder Hospitalizations

During same period, in-hospital mortality for patients hospitalized with AUD decreased
During the height of the pandemic

Nosocomial COVID-19 Rare During Height of Pandemic

Among patients not hospitalized for COVID-19, 0.1 percent tested positive within 14 days of discharge
Young adults hospitalized with COVID-19 have substantial rates of adverse outcomes

Considerable Adverse Outcomes Reported for Young Adults With COVID-19

Young adults hospitalized with COVID-19 have substantial rate of adverse outcomes; 2.7 percent died
Among children with COVID-19 or seasonal influenza

Child Hospital, ICU Admission Rates Similar for COVID-19, Flu

But more clinical symptoms reported at the time of diagnosis for children with COVID-19 versus flu
The prevalence of asthma among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 seems to be similar to population prevalence and significantly lower than asthma prevalence among patients hospitalized with influenza

Higher Prevalence of Asthma Not Seen Among COVID-19 Patients

Prevalence of asthma in hospitalized COVID-19 patients similar to population prevalence of asthma