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Los hispanos negros tienen un riesgo particularmente alto de una COVID grave

Blacks, Hispanics More Likely to Test Positive for SARS-CoV-2


However, once hospitalized, Black patients are less likely than Whites to have severe illness, and to die or be discharged to hospice

HealthDay Reports: Coronavirus Has Killed Thousands at US Nursing Homes

Kidney Disease Leading Risk Factor for COVID-19 Hospitalization


COVID-19 patients with end-stage renal disease 11 times more likely to be hospitalized versus patients with no kidney disease

Emergency Departments Saw Decrease in All Non-COVID-19 Diagnoses


Related decreases seen for specialty consultation and urgent inpatient procedures

'Couch Potato' Time Rises Sharply After Women Retire

Sedentary Behavior Linked to Heart Failure Hospitalization


Risk for heart failure hospitalization in postmenopausal women increased with sitting, sedentary behavior

Gestational Age at Birth Tied to Hospitalizations to Age 10


Children born <28 weeks had highest rate of hospital admission; risk also up for children born at 38 weeks

HealthDay Reports: Black Americans Appear Most Vulnerable to Coronavirus

Admission Hyperglycemia Predicts Mortality in COVID-19


Patients with hyperglycemia had higher cumulative probability of mortality, independent of preexisting diabetes

AHA: Obese Patients More Likely to Be Hospitalized for COVID-19


Risk for in-hospital death, mechanical ventilation higher for obese patients; link between BMI and outcomes strongest for adults ≥50 years

AHA: Care for Type 2 Myocardial Infarction Patients Varies


Just over half of patients with type 2 MI seen by a cardiologist in hospital; most did not see a cardiologist for follow-up care

Un antidepresivo podría ayudar a prevenir una COVID-19 grave

AHA: Blacks, Hispanics Make Up 53 Percent of COVID-19 Deaths


Mortality, MACE rates among patients hospitalized with COVID-19 did not differ by race, ethnicity

Early ECMO-Facilitated Resuscitation Ups Survival in OHCA


Findings seen among adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and refractory ventricular fibrillation