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Tag: Hospitals

Hospitalized Health Care Workers Do Not Have Worse COVID-19 Outcomes


Health care workers have shorter length of hospitalization and less likelihood of ICU admission

COVID-19 Outcomes Worse for Persons Living With Diagnosed HIV


COVID-19 diagnosis rates are similar for those with, without HIV, but hospitalization and death rates are up with HIV

Sociodemographic Differences Seen in Receipt of Breast Density Notifications

Targeted Inpatient Screening Mammogram Can Up Screening Rates


17 of 21 appropriate candidates successfully completed inpatient mammograms; all except one were negative

B 11/5 Smoking Bans May Not Guard Against Secondhand Smoke: Study

Smoking History Tied to Worse COVID-19 Outcomes


Risk for hospitalization, death higher for both current and former smokers

HealthDay Reports: 15 Percent of Pregnant Women With COVID-19 Experience Severe Disease

Mortality, Preeclampsia Up for Women With COVID-19 Giving Birth


Women hospitalized to give birth who had COVID-19 also had higher rates of myocardial infarction, venous thromboembolism, preterm birth

Continuing Blood Pressure Meds Safe for Those With COVID-19


No difference in outcomes seen among hospitalized COVID-19 patients continuing, discontinuing renin-angiotensin system inhibitors

Many at Risk for Severe COVID-19 Have Essential Jobs

Better Hospital Nurse Staffing Tied to Fewer Sepsis Deaths


Staffing more strongly tied to deaths than adherence to mandated sepsis care bundles

AAP Reports Biggest One-Week Jump in Child COVID-19 Cases

Pediatric Hospitalization for COVID-19 Increasing Across States


Rates at beginning and end of study and extent of change in rates significantly vary across states

Many at Risk for Severe COVID-19 Have Essential Jobs

Trauma Centers Made New Processes for Optimal Care During COVID-19 Pandemic


Most hospitals designated more beds to the intensive care unit; 50 percent designated an ICU for COVID-19 patients

Adverse Events Up With Tourniquet Use in Knee Replacement

Rehospitalization Down With Remote Monitoring After Arthroplasty


Findings show significant reduction in rehospitalization rate for patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty