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Tag: Heroin

1999 to 2021 Saw Rise in Methamphetamine-Related Mortality


This trend may be driven by increases in heroin and synthetic opioids coinvolvement

2016 to 2021 Saw Increase in Drug Overdose Rates Involving Fentanyl


Increase seen in age-adjusted drug overdose death rates involving methamphetamine, cocaine; decrease reported in death rates involving oxycodone

Naloxone Access Not Linked to Teen Substance Use


Naloxone access and pharmacy naloxone distribution not tied to more adolescent heroin, injection drug use

The prevalence of heroin use

2002 to 2018 Saw Increases in Heroin Use, Use Disorder, Injection

800,000 U.S. adults surveyed; prevalence of heroin use increased from 0.17 to 0.32 percent
For callers reporting heroin use

Many Buprenorphine Prescribers Not Offering New Appointments

However, for those offering new appointments, wait times were not long to receive buprenorphine
From 2017 to 2018

Heroin Overdose ED Visits Decreased From 2017 to 2018

Decreases not consistent across states, with significant increases in Illinois, Indiana, Utah
States with above-median OxyContin misuse before reformulation of the drug experienced a 222 percent increase in hepatitis C infection rates after reformulation

Hepatitis C Infection Rates Up After OxyContin Reformulation

222 percent increase in HCV infection rates seen after reformulation in states with above-median misuse
A toll-like receptor 9 agonist in the presence of alum is stable over a month and elicits strong anti-heroin antibody titers and blockade of heroin-induced antinociception

Anti-Heroin Vaccine Shows Promise Against Lethal Doses

TLR9 agonist in presence of alum is stable over 30 days, elicits strong anti-heroin antibody titers
Q-switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser treatment may be beneficial for treating linear hyperpigmented streaks on the bilateral forearms

Q-Switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm Laser Can Improve Track Marks

Case report describes improvement in bluish-gray pigmentation in patient with history of heroin use
Extended-release naltrexone is noninferior to buprenorphine-naloxone for maintaining short-term abstinence from heroin and other illicit substances

Extended-Release Naltrexone Promising for Opioid Dependence

Lower use of heroin, other illicit opioids with extended-release naltrexone in superiority analysis