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For intramuscular hepatitis B virus vaccine nonresponders

Intradermal HBV Vaccine Efficient for Intramuscular Nonresponders

No reports of adverse events with intradermal recombinant HBsAg-based vaccine

Digestive Disease Week, May 16-19

Digestive Disease Week 2015 Digestive Disease Week, the annual meeting sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American Gastroenterological...
Guidelines for hepatitis B virus screening among patients with cancer have been updated

ASCO Updates Guidelines for Hepatitis B Screening in Cancer

Screening urged for patients with risk factors for infection, receiving cancer tx linked to reactivation
Researchers have released yet another study finding impressive results for an experimental drug combo that aims to rid the body of hepatitis C. The study is published in the May 5 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Experimental Drug Combo Shows Success in HCV Treatment

Drug trio could join newer, highly-effective meds such as sofosbuvir, ledipasvir/sofosbuvir
Prednisolone and pentoxifylline are associated with limited and no benefits

Prednisolone, Pentoxifylline Little Use in Alcoholic Hepatitis

Nonsignificant drop in 28-day mortality with prednisolone; no improvement with pentoxifylline
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Statin Use Found Beneficial in Hepatitis C Treatment

Improved virologic response rates, decreased liver fibrosis progression, HCC incidence
Preliminary lab research suggests the antihistamine chlorcyclizine HCl that costs about 50 cents a pill has the potential to treat hepatitis C

Inexpensive Antihistamine Repurposed to Focus on HCV

Lab tests suggest over-the-counter antihistamine could offer alternative to pricey new drugs
Symptomatic bradycardia can occur when amiodarone is taken with new hepatitis C medications

FDA Warns Against Amiodarone Use With Hepatitis C Meds

Adding ledipasvir/sofosbuvir or sofosbuvir to amiodarone could cause symptomatic bradycardia
Kidney transplant patients with HIV have similar survival rates as those without HIV

Outcomes Favorable for HIV+ Kidney Transplant Recipients

However, survival rates lower if organ recipient also has hepatitis C
A vaccine for hepatitis E provides protection from the virus for at least 4.5 years

Vaccine May Provide Some Protection From Hepatitis E

Immunization offers nearly five years of protection, researchers say