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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke

Higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts are independent predictors of stroke in older Japanese-American men

WBC, Neutrophil Counts Predict Stroke Risk in Older Asian Men

Higher total WBC, neutrophil counts independently predict stroke in older Japanese-American men
For patients with hypertension

ACC: Enalapril + Folic Acid Cuts Stroke Risk in Hypertension

Study in Chinese population shows reduced risk of first stroke with combined use of enalapril, folic acid
One-third of Americans can't be transported by ambulance to a stroke center within one hour

One-Third of U.S. More Than Hour Away From Stroke Center

Lowest access found in southeastern United States, researchers say
Adults who sleep more than eight hours a night may face a higher risk of stroke

Sleeping More Than Eight Hours a Night May Up Stroke Risk

More than eight hours a night linked to greater odds in study, but cause-and-effect not proved
People who are resistant to aspirin may be at risk for larger

AAN: Aspirin Resistance Predicts More Severe Stroke

What causes aspirin resistance isn't known
The optic nerve may provide clues to a stroke patient's survival

ASA: Ultrasound of Optic Nerve Could Aid Stroke Prognosis

Thickness of optic nerve's sheath seemed tied to odds for patient death during the study period
Older adults who survive a stroke may have a higher-than-average risk of developing cancer in the next few years

ASA: Cancer Risk Higher for Older Stroke Survivors

But cancer only affected about 2 percent of those in two-year follow-up period
People who aren't well-hydrated when they have a stroke are about four times more likely to have a worse outcome than people who've had more fluids

ASA: Worse Stroke Outcomes in Dehydrated Patients

Stroke effects worsened or stayed the same in 42 percent of dehydrated patients
Low vitamin D levels are linked to an increased risk of severe stroke and poor health in stroke survivors

ASA: Low Vitamin D Levels Tied to Poor Stroke Prognosis

Tied to raised risk of a severe stroke, poor recovery, researchers say
The ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a minimally invasive device designed to help prevent stroke during stent and angioplasty procedures.

FDA OKs Device to Help Prevent Procedure-Related Stroke

Transcarotid system designed to help prevent stroke during stent and angioplasty procedures