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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke

Older patients taking statins or fibrates saw their risk of stroke over almost a decade decline by about one-third

Statins, Fibrates Linked to 30% Lower Stroke Risk in Elderly

But no association between statins and lower risk of coronary heart disease in this group
The risk of death or stroke after carotid artery stenting varies widely among U.S. hospitals

Mortality, Stroke Risks Vary Widely After Carotid Stenting

Stroke, death more common at some centers than others
Patients with hypertension who sleep less than five hours or more than eight hours each night may have significantly higher odds of a stroke

ASH: ‘Short’ and ‘Long’ Sleepers Seem to Have Higher Stroke Risk

Odds about 80 percent higher among people with hypertension and insufficient sleep
Depression in older adults appears to significantly increase the risk of a stroke

Depression Tied to Higher Stroke Risk, Even After Remission

Odds remain elevated after mental health symptoms improve

β-Methylphenylethylamine + Exercise Can Cause Stroke

Report of stroke in woman who exercised after drinking sport supplement containing BMPEA
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in women

Awareness of Female-Specific Early Stroke Signs Lacking

Pregnancy, migraines, and hormone therapy put women at increased risk
Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution may be linked to subtle changes in the brain that could lead to cognitive impairment

Fine Particulate Air Pollution Linked to Changes in Brain

Linked to reduced brain volume and higher odds of covert brain infarcts
Stroke patients are at significantly increased risk of suicide

Higher Risk of Suicide Seen in Stroke Survivors

Danger is greatest in first two years after stroke, Swedish researchers say
Fewer people are being treated in U.S. emergency departments for ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack

ER Visits for Ischemic Stroke, TIA Down Over Past Decade

CDC study finds fewer patients treated in ERs for blood clots in the brain
Air pollution may take a toll not only on physical health

Air Pollution May Contribute to High Anxiety

Possibly, one study suggests, while another links pollution to increased stroke risk