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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke

Cholesterol levels that are too low may increase the risk for hemorrhagic stroke

Extremely Low LDL Cholesterol May Up Stroke Risk

Higher hemorrhagic stroke risk seen for individuals with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol <70 mg/dL
Serum neurofilament light chain levels can predict incident stroke among middle-aged and older adults with diabetes mellitus

Neurofilament Light Chain Levels Predict Stroke Risk in Diabetes

Adding NfL to predictive score, including race and Framingham Stroke Risk Score, ups C-statistic
Different infection types

Infections Tied to Subsequent Risk for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Correlation highest for UTI; smaller-magnitude associations seen for UTI with intracerebral hemorrhage
Remote poststroke headache is common among pediatric stroke survivors

Poststroke Headache Common in Pediatric Stroke Survivors

Headache more than 30 days after stroke especially likely in older pediatric stroke survivors
The decline in midlife ischemic strokes over time is less pronounced than the decline among older adults

Greater Long-Term Decline in Stroke Seen Among Older Adults

Continued focus on prevention efforts needed to lower risk for midlife ischemic strokes
Individuals with long working hours have an increased risk for stroke

Long Working Hours Linked to Increased Stroke Risk

Correlation stronger for white-collar workers younger than 50 years
Midlife type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk for cerebral infarction and cerebral artery occlusion in late life

Midlife Type 2 Diabetes May Up Later Risk for Cerebral Infarction

Genetic, early-life familial environmental factors seem not to contribute to link
Among patients with gallstones

Cholecystectomy Reduces Risk for Stroke in Patients With Gallstones

Asymptomatic and symptomatic gallstone patients have lower overall stroke risk after cholecystectomy
Improvements in systems of care are necessary to implement advances in treatment and care of stroke patients

Guidance Issued for Systems of Care for Stroke Patients

Recommendations support educational initiatives to increase awareness, need to seek emergency care
Dabigatran is not superior to aspirin for preventing recurrent stroke in patients with recent history of embolic stroke of undetermined source

Dabigatran Does Not Beat Aspirin for Preventing Recurrent Stroke

Efficacy similar to aspirin for preventing recurrent stroke after embolic stroke of undetermined source