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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke

A considerable proportion of young adults are not aware of stroke symptoms

Many U.S. Young Adults Not Aware of Stroke Symptoms

28.9 percent of young adults not aware of all five stroke symptoms; 2.7 percent not aware of any
Patients admitted for hemorrhagic stroke on weekends have higher in-hospital mortality than those admitted on weekdays

Weekend Admission Tied to Higher Stroke Mortality

Admission for hemorrhagic stroke on weekends versus weekdays tied to higher mortality at both rural, urban hospitals
Patients with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop vascular dementia and nonvascular dementia compared with controls without diabetes

T2DM Links to Risk for Dementia Differ by Type, Glycemic Control

Dose-response association shows higher risk for dementia with HbA1c >87 versus <52 mmol/mol
For patients with acute ischemic stroke undergoing intravenous thrombolysis

Remote Ischemic Postconditioning May Aid Stroke Recovery

More patients with acute ischemic stroke in RIPC group had excellent recovery at three months
Home-based motor training telerehabilitation is beneficial for stroke patients

Home-Based Telerehabilitation Beneficial for Stroke Patients

Significant improvement seen in resting-state functional connectivity between bilateral M1 areas
A deep learning model can detect large vessel occlusion using multiphase computed tomography angiography

AI Model Shows Deep Learning Can Detect Large Vessel Occlusion

Phases 1, 2, 3 of CT angiography together achieved AUC of 0.89 for detecting large vessel occlusion
Use of a stroke alarm clock demanding active feedback significantly improves management metrics for acute stroke

Stroke ‘Alarm Clock’ Improves Acute Stroke Management Metrics

Time from door to completion of diagnostic work-up improved with feedback-demanding clock
Exposure to air pollution may increase the risk for ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation

Air Pollution May Raise Stroke Risk With Atrial Fibrillation

Findings account for neighborhood-specific pollution data, sociodemographic factors
Admissions for stroke and transient ischemic attack have decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic

Admissions for Stroke, TIA Down Early in COVID-19 Pandemic

Emergency department stroke alerts decreased, and stroke severity as measured by NIHSS increased
In a scientific statement issued by the American Heart Association and published online Aug. 26 in Circulation

AHA Details How to Lower Stroke Risk During, After Heart Surgery

Preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative strategies can help prevent perioperative stroke