Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Stroke
Statin Use Cuts Five-Year Stroke Risk for Patients With Atrial Fibrillation
Benefits across stroke types seen in duration-dependent manner
Poststroke Cognitive Impairment Common
In some cases, cognitive impairment is reversible, but up to one-third of individuals with stroke develop dementia within five years
Increasing Physical Activity After Stroke Tied to Good Functional Outcomes at Six Months
For those with decreasing physical activity after stroke, trajectory increases trend toward inactivity
AAN: Stroke Prevalence Stable Overall From 1999 to 2018
Prevalence stable overall and by racial and ethnic and age group, but increase seen among men
Racial Disparities in Stroke Mortality Increased During Pandemic
Absolute difference in age-adjusted stroke death rate between Black, White adults was 21.7 percent higher during pandemic
Spanish-Only Speakers Have Worse Neurologic Stroke Outcomes
Worse neurologic outcomes observed, but no difference seen in functional outcome or cognitive outcome compared with English speakers
Sleep Problems Linked to Increased Risk for Stroke
Odds of stroke increased with short or long duration of sleep, impaired sleep quality, snoring, snorting, breathing cessation
Depressive Symptoms Linked to Risk for Acute Stroke
Odds of intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke increased in association with prestroke depressive symptoms
Mechanical Thrombectomy Comparable to Best Medical Treatment for Rare Type of Stroke
Similar favorable functional outcomes seen for both thrombectomy and medical management in patients with distal medium vessel occlusion of anterior cerebral artery
One in Three U.S. Adults Do Not Receive Rehabilitation Therapy After Stroke
Clinical measures of acuity and three-month impairment predicted subsequent therapy doses