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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Fifteen-year survival is comparable for bioprosthetic and mechanical prosthetic valve replacement

Longevity of Bioprosthetic Valve Replacement Assessed

15-year survival similar for patients using mechanical prosthetic, bioprosthetic replacement valves
As many as one-quarter of people with atrial fibrillation who have a low risk of stroke are prescribed anticoagulation unnecessarily

Anticoagulation Both Over- and Under-Prescribed in A-Fib

May be unnecessary for those at low risk of stroke
For patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

Mortality Up With Spontaneous Bleeding After PCI

Bleeding associated with increased rate of death, similar to that seen with myocardial infarction
Higher levels of gratitude are associated with better mood

Gratitude Linked With Better Outcomes in Heart Patients

Keeping a gratitude journal seemed to reduce cardiac risk factors
Almost one in 10 Medicare patients undergoing carotid revascularization are readmitted within 30 days

Almost One in 10 Readmitted After Carotid Revascularization

Risk of readmission greater after carotid artery stenting than carotid endarterectomy
For patients with cardiomyopathy

ACEi/ARB Use Lowers Incidence of Appropriate ICD Shock

Lower incidence of appropriate implantable cardiac defibrillator shock in patients with cardiomyopathy
Short people may be more likely to have coronary artery disease

Higher Risk of Heart Disease Seen With Shorter Stature

Increased risk possibly linked to the genetics that also determine height
For patients undergoing cardiac surgery

Older Blood May Be an Option for Cardiac Surgery Patients

No difference in outcomes between use of fresher or older red cells, researchers report
For adults with diabetes

Additional Attention to Modifiable Risks in DM Could Benefit Greatly

Risk factors account for considerable proportion of CV events, death in those with, without CVD
Physically active middle-aged men and women have little chance of experiencing sudden cardiac arrest while participating in sports

Risk of Cardiac Arrest During Sports Low for Fit Middle-Aged

Only 5 percent of attacks occurred during activities such as jogging or bicycling