Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Heart Attack
Heart Failure Risk Up Significantly After First Myocardial Infarction
One in four MI survivors develop heart failure within four years
Increase in Low-Risk AMI Survivors From 2001 to 2011
Younger patients, men, married, those without multimorbidities more likely to be low-risk survivors
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists No Benefit Post MI
MRA in addition to standard therapy does not improve outcome in setting of post-MI heart failure
New-Onset A-Fib Post Acute MI Ups Complications, Readmission
In-hospital complication rate higher, as is 30-day readmission rate
Telomere Length Tied to Higher Myocardial Infarction Risk
Large multiethnic study shows linear relationship when telomere length is divided into tertiles
n-3 PUFA Tx After AMI Linked to Drop in Death, Recurrent AMI
Treatment linked to reduction in all-cause mortality, recurrent acute MI though 12-month follow-up
History of CABG Linked to Reperfusion Delays in STEMI
Patients with previous CABG have lower likelihood of door-to-balloon time of ≤90 minutes
Risk of Second Event High for Young Women After MI, Stroke
Odds of another event and mortality are significantly increased, researchers say
AHA: Women More Often Receive Suboptimal Post-MI Care
This could explain gender gap in survival, researchers say
AHA: Many Americans Experiencing Unrecognized MIs
Evidence of myocardial scarring often appearing on scans, even if no attack was reported