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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Heart Attack

Ischemic Stroke Risk Higher With Use of Contemporary Hormonal Contraceptives


Increased risk seen with use of combined pill, progestin-only pills, combined vaginal ring, patch, and progestin-only implant

Six-Month Mortality Lower With Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Acute MI With Anemia


No significant difference seen in composite of 30-day mortality or MI; cardiac death at 30 days increased with restrictive strategy

Deprescribing Antihypertensives Not Tied to Hospitalization for Heart Attack, Stroke


Estimated unadjusted cumulative incidence did not differ between long-term care residents who were deprescribed or continued antihypertensives

Beta Blockers May Cause Depressive Symptoms


Findings seen in patients following myocardial infarction

Delaying Noncardiac Surgery for Several Months After Heart Attack Found to Be Safer


Findings seen for individuals undergoing revascularization after non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

AHA: GLP-1 RA, SGLT-2i Use Can Lower Risk for MI, Recurrent Stroke in Stroke...


Findings seen in patients with ischemic stroke; associations were significant after multivariable adjustment

Study Looks at Efficacy of Hemoglobin Thresholds for Transfusion


30-day risk for death/MI increased with lower hemoglobin thresholds for transfusion in patients with acute MI, anemia

Acute Myocardial Infarction Up in People With Epilepsy, 2008 to 2017


Mortality high for people with comorbid myocardial infarction and epilepsy

Empagliflozin Confers Kidney-Protective Benefits After Acute MI


Reduced risk seen for total hospitalizations for heart failure, total adverse events of heart failure or all-cause mortality

Urban Noise Exposure May Aid Prediction of Myocardial Infarction


Findings seen in patients 50 years and younger with fewer traditional risk factors