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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

A six-month tai chi program is safe and improves physical activity

Six-Month Tai Chi Program Improves Physical Activity in CHD

Improvements in activity, weight, QoL for patients with coronary heart disease refusing cardiac rehab
General practitioners are less likely to support cessation of smoking in patients with cancer than in those with coronary heart disease

Smoking Cessation Support Less Likely for Cancer Patients

General practitioners less likely to support smoking cessation in patients with cancer than with CHD
For patients with suspected coronary artery disease

MI Incidence Down With CT Angiography in Suspected CAD

But no reduction in mortality, cardiac hospitalizations for CCTA versus functional stress testing
Few smokers hospitalized for coronary heart disease receive smoking cessation pharmacotherapy

Few Smokers Hospitalized With CHD Get Smoking Cessation Meds

Overall, 22.7 percent received smoking cessation pharmacotherapy, most often the nicotine patch
There is a strong relationship between high on-clopidogrel platelet reactivity and two-year ischemic and bleeding outcomes after drug-eluting stent implantation

High Platelet Reactivity Tied to Ischemic, Bleeding Outcomes

Findings based on two-year follow-up after drug-eluting stent implantation
A biomarker-based model provides a new tool for the prediction of cardiovascular death in patients with stable coronary heart disease

New Model Predicts Mortality in Stable Coronary Heart Disease

Model uses age, biomarkers, clinical variables to predict cardiovascular death

Depression After Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis Ups Death Risk

Strongest predictor of death is post-CAD depression; link persisted in those with no prior depression
For asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes

Coronary CT Angiography Ups Prediction of MACE in T2DM

Addition of CCTA-detected obstructive coronary artery disease to risk factors ups prediction of MACE
For patients undergoing coronary angiography

Risk of Cardiovascular Events Similar With, Without Diabetes

Patients with versus without diabetes, without CAD, were more often treated with statins and aspirin
A simple-to-use nomogram can predict five-

Nomogram Predicts Survival for Adults Undergoing CAC Scoring

Nomogram predicts five-, 10-, 15-year survival for adults undergoing coronary artery calcium scoring