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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

Coronary risk scores for predicting major adverse cardiac events in patients with possible acute coronary syndrome perform well when using a cardiac troponin I cut-off below the 99th percentile

Coronary Risk Scores Accurate When Used With Low cTnI

Accuracy of HEART and EDACS improved when using low cardiac troponin I cut-offs
Among women with suspected ischemia and no obstructive coronary artery disease

Women With Non-Obstructive CAD May Suffer From Myocardial Scars

Cardiac MR accurately diagnoses; myocardial scars may affect 8 percent of women with non-obstructive CAD
For patients with type 1 diabetes

Coronary Artery Dz Extent Similar in Men, Women With T1DM

Extent of CAD similar for those admitted for coronary angiography; no difference in long-term mortality
There are few significant differences in target-vessel failure with different types of second-generation drug-eluting stents for obstructive left main coronary artery disease

Second-Gen Drug-Eluting Stents Similarly Effective for LMCAD

Only one significant between-group difference in three-year risk of target-vessel failure for left main CAD
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has found that the current evidence is inadequate to assess the benefits and harms of screening with electrocardiogram for atrial fibrillation in older adults; and for low-risk adults

USPSTF Reviews Use of ECG for Preventing A-Fib, CVD Events

I statement for use of ECG in A-fib in seniors; D recommendation against ECG for reducing CVD risk
In patients with diabetes and multivessel coronary artery disease

CABG May Be Best Method to Revascularize in Diabetes

Cardiac, cerebrovascular events lower in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease
For patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeding and coronary artery disease

In CAD With GI Bleeding, Higher Mortality With Triple Therapy

Increased mortality at 90 days in patients with lower gastrointestinal bleeding, coronary artery disease
Nut consumption is tied to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease

Eating More Nuts Associated With Lower Heart Disease Risk

Both total intake of nuts and consumption of peanuts/tree nuts and walnuts tied to lower risk
For coronary heart disease patients with type 2 diabetes

Yoga Plus Aerobics Beneficial in Coronary Heart Disease

Greater improvement in CHD risk factors for combined intervention versus either alone
Everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffolds are associated with increased odds of scaffold thrombosis and other thrombotic events compared with everolimus-eluting metallic stents

Thrombosis Odds Up With Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds

BVSs linked to increased risk of MI, target lesion revascularization and failure versus metallic stents