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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

Typical symptoms of myocardial infarction are more common and have greater predictive value in women than in men

Women With Heart Attack Do Present With Typical Symptoms

Typical symptoms of myocardial infarction more common in women than men
County-level poverty is strongly associated with heart failure and coronary heart disease mortality

County-Level Poverty Strongly Tied to Heart Failure Mortality

Poverty linked to heart failure and coronary heart disease mortality; link stronger for heart failure
A low-fat dietary pattern provides lasting health benefits

Low-Fat Dietary Pattern Offers Long-Term Health Benefits

Significant benefits seen in relation to breast cancer, CHD, diabetes, without adverse effects
Ticagrelor plus aspirin compared with placebo plus aspirin is associated with a lower incidence of ischemic cardiovascular events but a higher incidence of major bleeding among patients with stable coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes

Benefit, Harm Seen for Ticagrelor Plus Aspirin in Stable CAD With T2DM

Incidence of ischemic cardiovascular events lower but major bleeding increased versus placebo plus aspirin
For patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and multivessel coronary artery disease

Complete Revascularization Best for STEMI With Multivessel CAD

Complete revascularization better than culprit lesion-only percutaneous coronary intervention
For postmenopausal women with stable chest pain

Central Obesity Tied to CAD in Postmenopausal Chest Pain

Central, but not overall, obesity linked to obstructive coronary artery disease underlying stable chest pain
Genetic liability to insomnia is associated with increased odds of major cardiovascular diseases

Genetic Liability to Insomnia Linked to Increased Odds of CVDs

Mendelian randomization analyses revealed greater odds of CAD, heart failure, ischemic stroke
Among patients hospitalized for acute coronary syndrome

High-Intensity Lipid Lowering May Aid Very Elderly After ACS

Benefit of simvastatin-ezetimibe combo after acute coronary syndrome greatest for patients ≥75 years
Hormone therapy formulations have differential effects on heart fat deposits in early menopausal women

Estrogen Preps Differ in Effects on Heart Fat Deposits

Increase in epicardial adipose tissue less likely with oral conjugated equine estrogens in early menopause
For patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis

Biologic Tx for Psoriasis May Reduce Coronary Inflammation

Findings indicated by perivascular fat attenuation index, as measured by coronary CT angiography