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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

Eating chocolate at least once a week is associated with a lower risk for coronary artery disease

Chocolate Tied to Lower Coronary Artery Disease Risk

Moderate consumption once a week tied to lower risk for disease
Women taking β-blockers for hypertension have an increased risk for developing heart failure when they present to the hospital with acute coronary syndrome

Risk for Heart Failure Increased for Women Taking β-Blockers

Difference of 4.6 percent found between women and men in rate of heart failure at presentation for ACS
Higher levels of stressful life events are associated with a higher risk for coronary heart disease among postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes

Stressful Life Events May Up CHD Risk in Type 2 Diabetes

Findings for coronary heart disease risk seen in large study of postmenopausal women with T2DM
An adverse childhood family environment is associated with cardiovascular disease incidence and all-cause mortality later in life

Adverse Childhood Environment Tied to Later Health Problems

Increased risk for all-cause mortality remained significant in fully adjusted model
Combining coronary artery calcium score with self-reported physical activity may help predict mortality risk for older adults

CAC Score, Physical Activity May Help Predict Mortality in Seniors

For patients with high coronary artery calcium score, mortality up with decreasing physical activity
Women with acute coronary syndromes do have some different symptoms than men at presentation

Women’s Acute Coronary Symptoms No Longer ‘Atypical’

Chest pain remains the most common presentation by both men and women
Multiple sclerosis is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease that is not completely accounted for by traditional vascular risk factors

Multiple Sclerosis Tied to Higher Risk for CVD, Cerebrovascular Disease

MS associated with a 3.5-fold higher risk for mortality, 1.5-fold higher risk for cardiovascular mortality
Women are less likely to have or die from cardiovascular disease than men

Globally, Women Less Likely to Develop Heart Disease Than Men

Rates of primary prevention higher in women, but secondary prevention efforts higher in men
Multiple sclerosis is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease that is not completely accounted for by traditional vascular risk factors

Multiple Sclerosis Tied to Higher Risk for CVD, Cerebrovascular Disease

MS associated with a 3.5-fold higher risk for mortality, 1.5-fold higher risk for cardiovascular mortality
Uptake of guideline-directed preventive therapies is lower for patients with stroke and peripheral artery disease compared with those with coronary artery disease

Statin, Aspirin Uptake Low With Peripheral Artery Disease, Stroke

Authors call for increased awareness of need for treatment with secondary preventive medications