Home Tags Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Coronary-Artery Disease

Maladaptive Cardiovascular Reactivity to Mental Stress Linked to Adverse Outcomes


Risk score derived from cardiovascular reactivity predictive of adverse outcomes beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors in CAD

Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Monitoring System Beneficial


Implementation of ePRO monitoring system improves patient-physician communication in cardiovascular care

Coronary Artery Disease Common in Patients With Cirrhosis


However, cirrhosis may not increase the risk for coronary artery disease

Consuming More Plant Than Animal Protein Cuts Risk for Cardiovascular Disease


Benefit seen for overall cardiovascular disease and coronary artery disease, but not for stroke

Extensive Coronary Artery Calcium on Chest CT Prognostic for Death, CVD


Extensive coronary artery calcium associated with composite primary outcome, all-cause death, cardiovascular events

Aromatase Inhibitors Not Linked to CAC in Postoperative Breast Cancer Patients


Independent risk factors for CAC include older age, lower hemoglobin levels, hypertension, diabetes

Heat Exposure Increases Myocardial Blood Flow


Approximately twofold increase seen from preexposure values with core temperature increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius

Noncontact Facial Infrared Thermography Model Can Predict Coronary Artery Disease


IRT model demonstrates outstanding performance compared with recommended pretest probability models

Noninvasive Imaging Aids Selection of Stenosis Patients Needing Revascularization Procedure


CT fractional flow reserve analysis safely cuts rates of invasive procedures without compromising safety

ACC: Coronary Artery Calcium Progression May Accelerate After Menopause


Authors say sharp increase in cardiovascular risk warrants more regular screening