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Tag: Hearing Loss

Although the rate of hearing loss in patients goes up significantly during the 10th decade of life

Hearing Aids Underused by the ‘Older Old’

Rate of hearing loss during the 10th decade of life significantly up compared with 9th decade
There is a significant correlation for increasing cumulative cisplatin dose with hearing loss

Increasing Cumulative Cisplatin Dose Linked to Hearing Loss

Severe to profound hearing loss seen in 18 percent of male germ cell tumor survivors
New research suggests that hearing aids might help prevent or slow the development of dementia in elderly people with hearing loss. The study was published online April 25 in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

Hearing Aids Linked to Stronger Scores on Mini-Mental Exam

Ability to stay engaged in conversation could help ward off dementia, study suggests
Hearing loss is associated with higher medical costs for late middle-aged adults

Medical Costs Up for Late Middle-Aged With Hearing Loss

Researchers say more study needed to learn how hearing aids, other interventions might save money
Vitamin E supplementation can reduce cisplatin-induced ototoxicity

Vitamin E Neuroprotective Against Cisplatin Ototoxicity

Placebo group had significant hearing loss at one month at both 2,000 HZ and 8,000 HZ
For older adults with hearing impairment

Moderate, More Severe Hearing Impairment Linked to Mortality

Link seen in age-adjusted model; attenuated after adjustment for demographics, cardiovascular risk
Inflammation from bacterial infections may increase susceptibility to aminoglycoside-linked hearing impairment by increasing the uptake of the antibiotic into the inner ear

Inflammation Could Up Risk of Hearing Loss With Antibiotic

Inflammation caused by the infection that's being treated may make ototoxicity more likely
Cochlear implants not only boost hearing in seniors with severe hearing loss

Cochlear Implantation Associated With Improved Cognition

Older people with severe hearing loss who received the devices had less depression, better mental skills