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Early reductions in Medicare spending were seen for the first full year of Medicare Shared Savings Program contracts for 2012 Accountable Care Organization entrants

Decrease in Medicare Spending for 2012 ACO Entrants

First full year of Medicare Shared Savings Program contracts linked to early drop in Medicare spending
Two years into the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative

Progress Made in Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative

Practices have not yet shown savings in expenditures; limited improvement in quality of care
Hearing loss is associated with higher medical costs for late middle-aged adults

Medical Costs Up for Late Middle-Aged With Hearing Loss

Researchers say more study needed to learn how hearing aids, other interventions might save money
The price of insulin has tripled in only 10 years

Cost of Insulin Found to Have Tripled Over Past Decade

Since 2010, per-person costs topped spending on all other diabetes drugs combined
The American College of Physicians has developed recommendations in order to address the escalating cost of prescription drugs

ACP Addresses Skyrocketing Costs of Prescription Medications

ACP recommends transparency in relation to pricing, costs, and comparative value
Measuring willingness to pay per quality-adjusted life-year provides a novel way to assess the social importance and value of facial reconstructive surgery

Facial Reconstruction Viewed As High-Value Intervention

Findings based on assessment of willingness to pay for correction of facial defects
Highly conservative use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and biopsy referral is necessary for PSA screening to be cost-effective

Only Conservative Strategy Makes PSA Cost-Effective

This includes less frequent screening and more restrictive biopsy referral criteria
The total medical costs associated with interferon-based antiviral treatment among patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection average €14

Total Medical Costs of $16K for IFN-Based Antiviral Tx for HCV

Mean cost per sustained virologic response €38,514; cost increases with more advanced liver disease
The total cost for all U.S. medical school seniors applying to dermatology residency is estimated at almost $5 million

Costs Estimated for Applying to Dermatology Residency

Total cost was $11,324 and $9,058/applicant for matched and non-matched applicants
Using the generic version of the cancer drug Gleevec could save patients and insurers millions of dollars

Millions in Health Costs Will Be Saved by Generic Gleevec

Over five years, researchers estimate more than $9 million in insurance savings