Tag: Health Costs
Many Receive Surprisingly High Bills After Visiting In-Network ER
Although hospital may be in insurance network, treating physician may not be
AHA: Wide Variation in Prices of Generic Heart Failure Meds
Patients can spend from $12 to $400 a month to fill prescriptions
Adjuvant Endocrine Tx Adherence Disparity Due to Varying Costs
Racial/ethnic disparities in adherence explained by socioeconomic status, medication costs
Ambulatory IV Diuretics Cut Costs in Decompensated Heart Failure
Ambulatory high-dose intravenous diuretic therapy cost saving versus hospitalization for diuretic tx
Lower Costs for Pregabalin in Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
Even after loss of exclusivity, pregabalin has lower health care costs than gabapentin
Searching for Price Info Affects Choice of Health Care Facility
Patients who viewed price estimates chose health care facilities with lower relative price estimates
Bundled-Payment Program Deemed Better for Breast CA Care
Better adherence to quality indicators, outcome, and cost control over time in Taiwanese study
Financial Toxicity Is a Relevant Cancer Outcome Measure
Health-related quality of life correlated with financial toxicity in cancer patients
Considerable Absenteeism Costs for Chronic Disease, Risk Factors
Considerable costs for smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, and for those with hypertension, diabetes
Considerable Economic Burden for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Economic burden estimated at about $9 billion in 2015 for adults ages 19 years and older