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Tag: Health Costs

Some U.S. hospitals might be charging private insurers twice as much for knee and hip replacements as the implants typically cost

Hospitals May Be Overcharging for Hip, Knee Replacements

Prices double the average costs for the implants, but only one insurer included in the research
Implementing the 2014 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendations for behavioral counseling is likely to be cost-effective for overweight and obese adults

USPSTF Recommendation for Overweight, Obese Cost-Effective

Behavioral counseling intervention cost-effective, with considerable variation in CE across subgroups
For Medicare beneficiaries undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

Transradial Intervention, Same-Day Discharge Cost Saving in PCI

TRI with SDD lowers costs for Medicare beneficiaries undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention
Nonelderly cancer survivors are more likely to report changes in prescription drug use for financial reasons than individuals without a cancer history

Cancer Survivors Likely to Change Rx Drug Use for Financial Reasons

Among nonelderly individuals, recently, previously diagnosed survivors more likely to change rx meds
Health care spending is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.6 percent from 2016 to 2025

Health Care Spending Expected to Grow 5.6% Annually to 2025

National health expenditures expected to represent 19.9 percent of gross domestic product by 2025
Participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program is associated with an overall reduction in post-acute spending

Medicare Shared Savings Linked to Lower Post-Acute Spending

And, performance is similar on standardized costs for Oregon, Colorado Medicaid ACO models
Cardiovascular disease is increasing in the United States

AHA: CVD Expected to Cost U.S. $1.1 Trillion Per Year by 2035

American Heart Association estimates CVD-related disease in nearly half of Americans in <20 years
Lower intensity of peak daily energy expenditure estimated from ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring is associated with increased health care utilization

Daily Energy Expenditure Linked to Health Care Utilization

Findings for energy expenditures estimated from ambulatory ECG monitoring
Nearly 6 percent of the world's health care spending is tied to smoking

Smoking Imposes Heavy Burden on Global Economy

Tobacco-related diseases caused 12 percent of deaths among smokers aged 30 to 69 in 2012
For patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Economic Benefit for Combo Statin/TG-Specific Tx in T2DM

Greatest cost reduction for statin/TG-specific-treated patients with TG level drop of ≥30 percent