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Tag: Health Costs

Federal funding insulated state budgets from increased spending related to Medicaid expansion

ACA Medicaid Expansions Didn’t Increase States’ Spending

State budget projections were accurate for federal, state, and Medicaid spending
There is considerable geographic variation in the cost of hysterectomy

Geographic Variation in Costs Associated With Hysterectomy

Lowest median cost in mid-Atlantic region, while highest median cost seen in Pacific region
In an effort to mitigate the increasing cost of prescription medications

Physicians Finding Ways to Work Around Cost of Rx Medications

One physician devised a workaround for EpiPens, which uses an autoinjector filled with epinephrine
For patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Five Factors Predict High Costs in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Predictors include presence of psychiatric illness, use of corticosteroids and narcotics, low hemoglobin
Caregiver participation in Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregivers Health behavioral interventions is not associated with increased Veterans Affairs or Medicare expenditures

REACH II, VA Did Not Increase Spending in Dementia Care

Behavioral interventions program for Alzheimer's patient caregivers did not increase health costs
For individuals with prediabetes

Economic Benefit for Lifestyle Modification in Prediabetes

Three-year return on investment for prevention program estimated to be as high as 42 percent
Medicare patients treated by higher-spending physicians are just as likely to be re-admitted or die within 30 days of being admitted to the hospital as patients treated by doctors who order fewer or less-expensive tests and treatments

Higher Spending by Physicians Not Tied to Better Outcomes

No difference in patient outcomes when physicians order more -- or more pricey -- tests, treatments
Routine HIV testing is both cost-effective and cost-saving in antenatal settings

Routine Antenatal HIV Testing Cost-Effective

Cost savings between $5,671.20 and $3.69 million per case of HIV-positive infection prevented
Skin diseases have a major impact on Americans and the U.S. economy

Skin Diseases Responsible for Significant Economic Burden

In the United States, dermatological conditions cost $75 billion in 2013, researchers say
There is considerable variation in the cost of actinic keratosis management

Variation in Cost of Actinic Keratosis Management

Adjusted ratio of mean cost in highest versus lowest quintile ranged from 1.72 to 1.80