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Tag: Health Costs

Mean Out-of-Pocket Spending >$3,000 for Childbirth Episodes


Spending exceeded $5,000 for 17.1 percent of episodes and exceeded $10,000 for 1 percent of episodes

Financial Toxicity More Prevalent for ASCVD Than Cancer Patients


Odds up for any difficulty paying medical bills, inability to pay bills, cost-related meds nonadherence, food insecurity with ASCVD versus cancer

Brand-Name Competition for Diabetes Drugs Has Variable Impact on Net Prices


And, one in five generic drugs sold in U.S. experienced price spikes initiated by manufacturers during 2014 to 2017

Most Hospitals Not Publicly Posting Price Data


More than half of hospitals do not have publicly accessible data online, per CMS rule

Time, Costs of Participation in MIPS Are Considerable


Mean cost to practices per physician $12,811; 201.7 hours annually spent per physician on MIPS-related activities

Link Between Drug Prices, Out-of-Pocket Spending Explored


No link found overall, but among those who pay any drug deductible or coinsurance, out-of-pocket spending increased with change in list prices

Survivors of Adolescent, Young Adult Cancer Face Financial Hardships


Hardships include forgoing care and medication nonadherence due to cost

Societal Costs of Measles Outbreak in Clark County Estimated at $3.4 Million


Estimated costs mainly incurred by the public health response to the outbreak, which included 72 cases of measles

Costs of Eating Disorders Quantified for the United States


Total economic costs estimated at $64.7 billion for fiscal year 2018 to 2019; reduction in well-being costs estimated at $326.5 billion

Estimated Opioid-Related Costs $14 Billion for Symptomatic Knee OA


Almost half of costs were for lost productivity, criminal justice expenses, cost associated with diversion activities