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Tag: Health Costs

Rise in Cost of Biologics for Psoriasis Outpacing Medical Inflation


Apart from secukinumab, the mean cost of biologics increased by >100 percent than inflation alone would explain

One in Seven Face Catastrophic Spending on Insulin


Older people with low family incomes face greatest risk for high out-of-pocket spending relative to income

NHS Privatization Tied to Increase in Treatable Mortality


Annual increase of 1 percent of outsourcing to the private for-profit sector linked to annual increase of 0.38 percent in treatable mortality

One-Third of Hospitals Compliant With Price Transparency for Joint Arthroplasty


~20 percent of hospitals provide CMS-compliant pricing information for two CPT codes and two DRG codes

PCPs Rarely Use Billing Codes for Prevention, Coordination Services


Median use of billing codes was 2.3 percent among eligible patients although code-appropriate services provided to more patients

Medicare Could Have Saved $3.6 Billion on Generic Drugs in 2020


Authors say Medicare could have saved up to $3.6 billion by purchasing generics at Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company prices

Cost of Brand-Name Antiseizure Meds Increased Since 2010


Brand-name ASMs accounted for 79 percent of costs in 2018, despite representing only 14 percent of pill days

Early Identification Cuts Costs for Spinal Muscular Atrophy


Among treated patients, costs were lower for those identified by newborn screening versus presentation of symptoms

Medicare Spending Spikes for Dementia Diagnoses in Seniors


Medicare spending higher for adults with a formal clinical diagnosis of dementia versus a positive screening for cognitive impairment

Half of Hospitals Have Implemented No Price Transparency


Only 5.7 percent of hospitals meet both requirements -- a machine-readable file for required price types and an accessible display for at least 300 shoppable items