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A new communication toolkit created by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality can help health care organizations and providers communicate with patients and families when harm occurs to patients.

AHRQ Communication Toolkit Can Help After Patient Harm Occurs

Toolkit helps patients, families, clinicians, and administrators discuss what happened
Introducing health coaches who can take on responsibilities to advance lifestyle changes

Health Coaches Can Help Increase Patient Engagement

In Asian community health center patients understand their treatment and are actively engaged
The introduction of pop-up messages relating to a history of dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) in an order communication system can increase the rates of DXA prescription

Pop-Up Messages Up Physician Awareness of Osteoporosis

Messages linked to increased rates of DXA prescription and osteoporosis medication
The characteristics of profitable hospitals include for-profit status

Characteristics of Profitable Hospitals Identified

Characteristics include for-profit status, higher mark-up, system affiliation, regional power
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has introduced a new campaign

CDC Establishes New ‘Clean Hands Count’ Campaign

Campaign urges health care professionals and patients and loved ones to keep hands clean
In 2014 there were 244

>40% of Pediatricians Received Industry Payment in 2014

In 2014 there were 244,915 payments to general pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists
Teledermatology seems to improve access to dermatology care for Medicaid enrollees

Teledermatology Improves Access to Dermatology Care

Findings for enrollees in Medicaid managed care plan; important role among newly insured
The financial outlook for primary care practices is improving

Some Primary Care Physician Finances Are Improving

Increase in number of PCPs who report that their financial state is better than a year ago
Under the Physician Payments Sunshine Act

Doctors Have a Only a Few Weeks Left to Review Financial Data

Physicians have a few weeks left to review, dispute reports relating to their financial ties to industry
An update on Americans' health finds that racial and ethnic disparities persist

U.S. Health Report Card Finds Racial, Ethnic Disparities Persist

But infant mortality rates, numbers of uninsured are improving, government analysis reveals