Tag: Health Biz: Misc.
Breakeven Rate Estimated for Mid-Size Pediatric Practice
Breakeven per-member per-month rate increases with increasing staffing ratio
Program Can Help Patient-Centered Practice Transition
At practices in Alberta, significant impact seen for cognitive task analysis training program
Cancer Center Advertising Costs Rose From 2005 to 2014
Twenty centers accounted for 86% of spending; one for-profit center accounted for 59% of spending
Differences in Salary for Male, Female Faculty Physicians
Significant differences seen even after accounting for age, experience, specialty, faculty rank
Electronic Record Demands Are Overwhelming Many Physicians
Survey found those who have to use EHRs/CPOEs report more burnout, job dissatisfaction
Tax Incentives Being Offered to Primary Care Preceptors
Incentives offered in Maryland, Colorado, and Georgia, each focusing on specific need
Prices for Care Rise Significantly As Multi-Hospital Systems Emerge
76 percent increase per hospital admission across all hospitals; greater increase in multi-hospital systems
Potential Impact of Single-Payer Health Care Discussed
System could alleviate administrative burden, but may have trade-offs in terms of patient care
Four-Step Strategy Suggested for Boosting Practice Quality of Care
Plan-Do-Study-Act strategy includes developing initiatives, implementing plans, checking results
AMA Module Promotes Training of Medical Assistants
Module contributed by medical group in New Jersey includes interactive learning, eliminates testing