Heart Health Varies With Race Among Sexual-Minority Females
Black, Hispanic, and White sexual-minority female adults have lower cardiovascular health compared with their heterosexual counterparts
Good Heart Health May Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Black Women
Finding seen for processing speed and cardiovascular health in Black women, but not White women
Patient Gets First-Ever Pig Kidney Transplant Plus Heart Pump
Manufacturer Payments Tied to Use of More Expensive Medical Devices
Increased use of intravascular microaxial left ventricular assist devices associated with manufacturer payments to cardiologists performing PCI
Gains in Heart Health Only Experienced by Higher-Income Populations
10-year risk for cardiovascular disease remained stagnant at >8 percent for U.S. adults with the lowest incomes in 1988 to 2018
PCPs Provide Most of the Care Related to Life’s Essential 8
Up to half of people with a cardiovascular risk factor did not see a primary care clinician or cardiologist in the past year
Endocrine, Vascular Processes Contribute to Cognitive Decline in Women
Earlier menopause and higher vascular risk synergistically associated with lower cognitive scores at follow-up
Unfavorable Demographics Tied to Heart Risk Factors in Asian Americans
Each SD increment in social determinants of health score linked to increased odds of diabetes, high BP, insufficient physical activity
Sedentary Behavior Reduction Intervention Cuts Sitting Time, BP in Seniors
Intervention reduces sitting time at three and six months and yields reduction in systolic blood pressure at six months
LE8 Can Improve Future Heart Health in Women With History of Complicated Pregnancy
Findings seen among women at high risk for cardiovascular disease due to a prior adverse pregnancy outcome