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Tag: Gun Violence

Suicide Deaths by Firearms Up Significantly in Young People


From 2008 to 2018, rates of suicide by firearms increased by 50 percent among those aged 15 to 24 years

Firearm Injuries Up in Children Under 12 During COVID-19 Pandemic


Compared with prepandemic period, increases seen in risk for firearm injuries in young children and injuries inflicted by young children

Counseling on Gun Safety Could Cut Suicide Rate in Military: Study

Lethal Means Counseling, Cable Locks Promote Safe Firearm Storage


Lethal means counseling outperformed control at six months; cable locks outperformed control at three, six months

Mental Health Consequences of COVID-19 ID'd Across Populations

Firearm Use Up in Female Nurse Suicides in the U.S.


Female nurses used firearms in suicides less often than other women from 2003 to 2013, but firearm use increased from 2014 to 2017

Counseling on Gun Safety Could Cut Suicide Rate in Military: Study

Few Adults Report Having Firearm Safety Discussions With Doctors


7.5 percent of respondents report having ever discussed firearm safety; 12 percent among those living with children

Los efectos de las leyes sobre las armas de fuego pueden cruzar las fronteras estatales

Intentional Violent Injuries Up During Peripandemic Period


Proportion of intentional violent injury significantly greater during peripandemic months versus prior years, especially from firearms

Gun Violence Curriculum Benefits Surgical Trainees


Curriculum covers technical, nontechnical skills necessary to care for gun violence victims

Half of older gun owners have a plan for transferring gun ownership after death and even fewer have a plan for transferring ownership in the case of impairment

Many Older Gun Owners Fail to Consider Future Ownership Transfer

Including firearm issues in medical, financial, legal advance planning may be useful, authors say
Actual health care costs increase up to 20-fold in the six months after a gunshot injury versus the six months before

Health Care Use, Costs Increase 20-Fold After Firearm Injury

Findings compared six months before and after injury across patients in five states
The lifetime risk for death from firearms and drug overdoses varies by race and geography

Almost 1 in 100 May Die From Firearms, Overdose, or Motor Vehicle Accident

Variance in lifetime risk seen across demographic subpopulations and states