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Tag: Gun Violence

Recommendations Issued for Medical Response to Mass Shootings


Eight recommendations have been endorsed by emergency medical services clinicians, emergency medicine doctors, surgeons

One in 15 Male, One in 50 Female High School Students Carry Guns


Likelihood of carrying gun increased for those with violence-related experience, suicide ideation or attempts, substance use

Handgun, Individual, Community Factors Predict Suicide by Firearm


Findings based on large-scale machine learning analysis of individual-level handgun transaction records

Firearm Injury ED Visit Rate Up With Higher Social Vulnerability


Similar patterns seen for Social Vulnerability Index themes of socioeconomic status and housing type and transportation

Firearms Now the Leading Cause of Death Among U.S. Kids

Suicidal Ideation More Likely in Teens With Firearm Access


Authors say findings highlight need to screen all teens for suicide risk and access to firearms

First-Time Gun Owners Less Likely to Be White Men

Responses to Screening for Suicide Risk May Differ for Gun Owners


When probability of suicide attempt increases, gun owners may be less likely to endorse survey items about passive, active suicidal ideation

Buying Gun During Pandemic Might Raise Suicide Risk

2019 to 2020 Saw Increase in Overall Firearm Homicide Rates


Largest increases seen among non-Hispanic Black males aged 10 to 44 years and in American Indian, Alaska Native males aged 25 to 44 years

Emergency sign at a small hospital

Hospital Costs for Firearm Injuries Vary Widely by Region


Hospital costs for firearm injuries in the United States totaled $7.8 billion over 10 years; government insurance programs covered 42 percent of the costs

Far More American Teens Carrying Guns These Days

Adolescent Handgun Carriage Increasing in the United States


Significant increases seen especially among rural, White, and higher-income adolescents

Risk for Death by Homicide Up for Cohabitants of Gun Owners


Of homicides occurring at home, sevenfold increased risk for being fatally shot by spouse, partner seen for cohabitants of gun owners