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Tighter rules on opioid painkiller prescriptions for U.S. government employees will be implemented in the fall

New Opioid Rx Rules Coming for U.S. Employees’ Health Plans

New Federal Employee Health Benefits Program rules are meant to prevent overprescribing
The state health department epidemiology workforce increased 22 percent from 2013 to 2017

State Public Health Workforce Grew From 2013 to 2017

Greater expertise in evaluation and applied research is needed to conduct essential services
The demise of the National Guideline Clearinghouse in July 2018 is likely to impact evidence-based health care around the world

Experts Address Loss of the National Guideline Clearinghouse

Demise of NGC in July 2018 is likely to impact evidence-based health care around the world
The National Guideline Clearinghouse and National Quality Measures Clearinghouse websites were taken down on July 16 when funding for these federal databases ended

National Guideline Clearinghouse Offline Due to Funding Cuts

An initiative of AHRQ, now offline due to lack of federal funding
New laws and regulations designed to limit the use of prescription narcotics may further constrain doctors' ability to treat patients

New Rules May Constrain Docs’ Ability to Treat Chronic Pain

Limitations on the use of prescription narcotics could complicate patient treatment
Congress has been urged to take immediate action in addressing the public health crisis associated with persistent shortages of critical medications

ASHP + Partners Urge Congress Action on Drug Shortages

Groups urge Congress to take immediate action, provide transparency and improve manufacturing
Proposed budget cuts could seriously hamper efforts to address antimicrobial resistance

Budget Cuts Threaten Research on Antimicrobial Resistance

Patient safety, international status of the U.S. as leader in combating AMR both at risk
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy

Surgeon General Dismissed by Trump Administration

Had served just over two years of his four-year term
Prescription drug prices are skyrocketing in the United States due in large part to government regulations

Steep Rise in U.S. Drug Prices Tied to Patent Monopolies

Letting Medicare and Medicaid negotiate pricing would likely help bring costs down, researchers say
Health insurance premiums under the Affordable Care Act will rise in 2017

2017 Will Bring Premium Rate Increases Under ACA

Experts say increases will mostly affect people who get modest subsidies or no financial assistance