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Tag: Glaucoma

Pilocarpine expands the Schlemm canal in eyes with and without glaucoma

Pilocarpine Expands Schlemm Canal in Healthy Eyes, Glaucoma

No differences in effect of pilocarpine in healthy eyes, eyes with glaucoma
Glaucoma surgery using a novel membrane-tube type glaucoma shunt device can safely reduce intraocular pressure

Membrane-Tube Shunt Device Can Reduce Intraocular Pressure

Surgery using MicroMT device safely and effectively reduces IOP in glaucomatous eyes
Use of a topical bimatoprost ocular insert is associated with a clinically relevant reduction in mean intraocular pressure over six months

Topical Bimatoprost Ocular Insert Reduces IOP

Clinically relevant reduction in mean intraocular pressure over six months
In a case report published online April 30 in Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology

Venlafaxine-Induced Rise in Intraocular Pressure Described

Case report of male patient with chronic open angle glaucoma starting venlafaxine for depression
Glaucoma may be associated with lower fractional anisotropy in the optic radiations

Glaucoma May Result From White Matter Degeneration

Link between glaucoma and fractional anisotropy seen in brain regions
For patients with primary angle-closure and primary angle-closure glaucoma

Relative Lens Vault Predicts Post-Op Refractory Error

Pre-op relative lens vault significantly predicts refractive outcome after cataract surgery
Network meta-analysis

Network Meta-Analysis Recommends Prostaglandins for Glaucoma

Highest-ranking class for reducing intraocular pressure was prostaglandins for 1999, 2004, 2009
Central corneal thickness is influenced by body position

Central Corneal Thickness Influenced by Body Position

Decrease in CCT with supine positioning for patients with open-angle glaucoma, healthy subjects
Higher dietary nitrate and green leafy vegetable intake is associated with reduced risk of primary open-angle glaucoma

Nitrate Intake Linked to Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Risk

Reduced risk of POAG, and especially for POAG with early paracentral visual field loss
For individuals with and without open-angle glaucoma

Yoga Positions Linked to Increase in Intraocular Pressure

Increases noted within one minute after assuming position in individuals with, without glaucoma