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The Global Lung Initiative-defined normal spirometry includes adjusted mean values in the normal range for multiple phenotypes

‘GOLD’ Criteria May Misdiagnosis Normal Phenotypes

Among adults with GLI-defined normal spirometry
Magnetic resonance imaging is an accurate and safe tool for the detection of low levels of iron overload in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis

MRI Effectively Measures Hemochromatosis Iron Burden

MRI tested in detection of iron stores in heart, liver and spleen, and pancreas
A new study has identified significant differences between non-small-cell lung cancer patients who smoke and those who don't. The findings were presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the European Respiratory Society

Differences Found in Smokers, Nonsmokers Who Develop NSCLC

Nonsmokers more likely than smokers to be women and to have adenocarcinoma
Only about one-third of women receive genetic counseling before they undergo testing for BRCA mutations

Too Few Women Getting Counseling Before BRCA Test

But outside expert questions whether counseling may be more important after a positive test result
Patients with type 2 diabetes may benefit from a higher-protein diet

Gene Variant May Boost Effect of Higher-Protein Diet in T2DM

Researchers find benefit for those with gene variant related to vitamin D metabolism
A 21-gene risk of recurrence score can identify patients with breast cancer who may be spared chemotherapy

Prospective Validation of 21-Gene Risk of Recurrence Score

Score identifies breast cancer patients with low risk of recurrence who may be spared adjuvant chemo
Age and obesity affect gene regulation in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia

Age, Obesity Affect Gene Expression in Symptomatic BPH

Age, obesity promote methylation, suppression of 5α-reductase 2
Management of genetic conditions during pregnancy may require a multidisciplinary approach

Tips Offered for Management of Genetic Conditions in Pregnancy

Committee opinion recommends multidisciplinary approach from preconception through postpartum
U.S. children with a genetic polymorphism affecting FUT2 secretor status appear to be protected from severe rotavirus gastroenteritis

Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Almost Absent in FUT2 Nonsecretors

U.S. children with genetic polymorphism affecting secretor status seem to be protected from rotavirus
MiRNA-506 is involved in gastric cancer

miRNA-506 Affects Metastasis, Angiogenesis in Gastric Cancer

Overexpression inhibits the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of gastric cancer cells