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Tag: Fitness: Misc.

ESC: Cumulative Sedentary Time in Younger Years Tied to Changes in Heart Structure


13-year findings reveal sedentary time from childhood through young adulthood associated with progressive left ventricular remodeling

ESC: Treating Iron Deficiency May Not Aid Heart Failure Patients


Study did not meet primary endpoint for composite of death, heart failure hospitalization, and exercise function

Higher Cardiorespiratory Fitness Protects Men Against Many Cancers


Benefits seen for head/neck, stomach, pancreatic, liver, colon, kidney, and lung cancer

Preoperative High-Intensity Interval Training May Be Beneficial


Several positive associations seen for HIIT versus standard care on cardiorespiratory fitness, postoperative outcomes

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Tied to Reduced Cancer Incidence, Mortality in Men


Moderate, high CRF linked to lower colon cancer incidence; low, moderate, high CRF linked to lower prostate cancer mortality

Cardiovascular Fitness Tied to Lower IBD Risk in Children


Finding seen in large study of children and teens 10 years or older followed for six years

High Fitness Level Lowers Risk for Cardiovascular Death From High Blood Pressure


However, high blood pressure, low fitness levels each independently associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease-related death

Midlife Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity Impacts Cognitive Abilities


Loss of time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity tied to lower cognition

High Cardiorespiratory Fitness Linked to Lower Risk for CKD


Association could be underestimated when using only a single baseline measure of cardiorespiratory fitness

Exercise Intervention During Chemotherapy Beneficial


Intervention during chemo linked to lower decreases in VO2peak, health-related QoL, muscle strength immediately postchemotherapy