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For patients with relapsing and remitting multiple sclerosis

Cocoa Beverage Could Improve Multiple Sclerosis-Related Fatigue

Small effect seen for fatigue, moderate effect on fatigability as measured by six-minute walk test
Medical residents can take steps to maintain their energy and alertness during long shifts

Residents Working Long Hours Can Increase Alertness

Arriving rested, asking for relief, staying organized can help medical residents maintain their energy
A history of cancer is associated with fatigability and poor endurance

History of Cancer Tied to Lower Endurance, Higher Fatigability

Fatigability and poor endurance significantly higher in older adults with cancer history
Open-label placebo may reduce fatigue in cancer survivors

Open-Label Placebo May Reduce Fatigue in Cancer Survivors

Reductions seen in fatigue symptom severity and fatigue-related quality of life disruption
Many cervical cancer survivors experience fatigue

Cervical CA Survivors Often Have Long-Term Fatigue, Insomnia

Symptoms could have a serious impact on patients' daily lifes
Exercise and/or behavioral and educational therapy may be more effective than prescription drugs for dealing with cancer-related fatigue

Exercise Treatments Best for Reducing Cancer-Related Fatigue

Psychological treatment and education can be useful, too, more so than drugs, researchers find
About half of patients with chronic plaque psoriasis have fatigue

Fatigue Occurs in ~50 Percent With Chronic Plaque Psoriasis

Objective measures of psoriasis disease activity are not associated with fatigue severity
Patients with psoriatic arthritis have higher levels of fatigue than patients with psoriasis treated with phototherapy or systemic treatment

Fatigue Levels Vary for Patients With Psoriatic Disease

Higher levels of fatigue in psoriatic arthritis versus psoriasis; fatigue scores linked to depression
Severe fatigue can impede social reintegration in Hodgkin's lymphoma survivors

Social Reintegration of Hodgkin’s Survivors Impeded by Fatigue

Significant negative association of severe fatigue and employment among male and female survivors
Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome with higher self-regulatory fatigue have lower quality of life

Self-Regulatory Fatigue Linked to QoL in Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Higher self-regulatory fatigue linked to lower quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome