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Tag: Fatherhood

The prevalence of depression is 4.4 percent among fathers of children age 15 months or younger attending a well-child care clinic visit

Prevalence of Depression 4.4 Percent Among Dads of Infants

Overall, 4.4 percent of fathers attending well-child care visits screened positive for depression
Single fathers have a significantly higher risk of mortality than single mothers or partnered fathers

Increased Premature Mortality Risk Seen for Single Fathers

Risk factors in single dads linked to a higher adjusted mortality risk vs. single mothers, partnered fathers
Paternal use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors before conception is associated with increased risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring

Preconception Paternal SSRI Use Linked to ADHD in Offspring

Slightly increased ADHD risk in children born to fathers using SSRI in the three months preconception
The average age of fathers of newborns has risen in recent decades

Paternal Age in the United States Is Rising

Average age of fathers of newborns has risen to 31, researchers say
Paternal exposure to methotrexate within 90 days before pregnancy is not associated with congenital malformations

No Link for Paternal Use of MTX, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

Exposure of father to methotrexate in 90 days before pregnancy doesn't up adverse pregnancy outcomes
Expectant and new fathers who are in poor health or have high levels of stress are at increased risk for depression

Postpartum Depression Also Affects New Fathers

Men who are stressed or in poor health seem to be at highest risk
Fathers are not adequately engaged in pediatric obesity treatment or prevention programs with parent involvement

Father Involvement Lacking in Pediatric Obesity Programs

Only four of 213 eligible studies suggested lack of fathers as a possible limitation
Fewer unmarried American men are becoming first-time fathers

CDC: Fewer Single Young Men Becoming First-Time Fathers

Rate of first-time dads having child out of wedlock fell from 1980s to 2000s