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Tag: Fatherhood

Preterm Birth Slightly Higher for Offspring of Young Male Patients With Cancer


Prevalence of preterm birth and low birth weight slightly higher, but no difference seen in prevalence of birth defects

BMI Outside of Normal Category Linked to Lower Fecundability


Increased odds of subfertility seen in association with underweight, overweight, obesity in women and obesity in men

Paternal Antiseizure Rx Use at Conception Does Not Pose Risk to Offspring


No clear evidence seen for adverse impact of paternal antiseizure medication use on offspring outcomes

Risk for Developing Type 1 Diabetes Doubled With Paternal Link


In utero exposure to affected mother appears to offer protection to offspring

Paternal Metformin Use Not Linked to Major Congenital Malformations


No significant association seen for increased risk for MCMs with metformin in monotherapy, but association suggested for metformin in polytherapy

Men With Inflammatory Joint Diseases Seem to Have More Children


Men with IJDs have higher number of children and are less likely to be childless than controls without IJDs

Paternal Depression Linked to Depression in Offspring


Risk higher for offspring exposed to paternal depressive disorders than depression defined by nonclinical symptom scale

Paternal Childhood Smoke Exposure Tied to Asthma Risk in Offspring


Fathers' passive smoke exposure through childhood to puberty linked to nonallergic asthma risk in offspring

Preconception Paternal Metformin Linked to Major Birth Defects


Genital birth defects, all in boys, more common among metformin-exposed offspring

Paternal Depression May Linger After Child Discharged From NICU


Authors say there is need for increased attention to paternal mental health during infant NICU stay and after discharge to home