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Tag: Fat, Body

AMPK activation by metformin is associated with inhibition of interstitial fibrosis and suppression of transforming growth factor β-1

Metformin Combats Adipose Tissue Expansion Via AMPK

AMPK activation is linked to inhibition of interstitial fibrosis, suppression of TGF-β1
Mice lacking either the insulin receptor

Changes in Adipose Tissue With Lack of Insulin, IGF-1 Receptors

Almost complete absence of WAT and BAT for mice lacking both insulin and IGF-1 receptors
Infants born to mothers who had gestational diabetes mellitus may be more likely to carry excess fat in early life

Gestational DM Tied to Greater Total Adipose Tissue in Infants

Finding held even with good maternal glycemic control
Body mass index may not accurately reflect a person's body composition

Body Fat May Be Bigger Health Danger Than Body Size

Study finds fat levels a better indicator of early death than commonly used BMI measure
Submental fat can be reduced safely and effectively with a small volume cryolipolysis vacuum applicator

Submental Fat Reduced With Cryolipolysis Vacuum Applicator

Clinical evaluation of 60 patients demonstrated safe and effective reduction in submental fat
Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with greater accumulation of visceral adipose tissue

Sugary Drinks Linked to Increase in Visceral Adipose Tissue

Daily consumers accumulated about 27 percent more visceral fat
Individuals with central obesity but of normal weight according to body mass index have a higher risk of premature mortality than overweight or obese people

Central Obesity Is Hazardous, Even at a Normal Weight

Research suggests BMI insufficient for assessing health risks
Certain trajectories of body mass index during childhood may increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life

Patterns of Childhood Growth May Trigger Type 2 Diabetes

Two pathways with low fat deposition in early life may result in fat acquisition during childhood
Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are frequently discordant

BMI and Waist Circumference Are Frequently Discordant

WC linked to VAT, liver fat, adverse cardiometabolic risk profile within each BMI category