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Tag: Fat, Body

Anthropometric measures of body fat can predict kidney function decline in older adults

Anthropometric Measures of Body Fat ID Kidney Function Decline

Anthropometric measures provide consistent estimates of KF decline risk in older adults
Visceral fat quantification can differentiate Crohn's disease and intestinal tuberculosis

Visceral Fat Differentiates Crohn’s From Intestinal Tuberculosis

High sensitivity, specificity for differentiation with cut-off of 0.63 for visceral fat/subcutaneous fat ratio
Among women 70 to 79

Central Adiposity More Harmful Than Obesity in Older Women

While a few extra pounds don't up mortality risk, central adiposity does, study contends
Lower body mass index and body fat is associated with increased risk of orthostatic intolerance and predisposition to noncardiac syncope following bariatric surgery

BMI Linked to Risk for Orthostatic Intolerance Post Bariatric Sx

Increase in OI and propensity for noncardiac syncope following bariatric surgery-linked weight loss
Visceral adipose tissue -- particularly in the abdominal region -- may indicate increased risk for cardiovascular disease

More Evidence of Abdominal Fat, Poor Cardiovascular Health Link

Adipose tissue imaging may outperform body mass index for cardiovascular risk assessment
Fibroblast growth factor 21 genotypes may interact with dietary macronutrient intake to affect central adiposity and body fat composition

FGF21, Dietary Intake Interaction Impacts Adiposity

FGF21 genotype interacts with dietary carbohydrate/fat intake to affect adiposity, body fat
For patients with a history of anorexia nervosa

Body Mass Index, Fat Percentage Predict Menses Resumption

Both BMI, fat percentage are positive predictors for women with a history of anorexia nervosa
A novel high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment with a cooling system is safe and efficient for destroying adipocytes

High-Intensity Focused U/S With Cooling Destroys Adipocytes

Reduction in waist circumference in human volunteers; pain tolerable without bruising
Obese women have significantly greater total vitamin D stores than normal-weight women

Obese Women Have Greater Adipose Stores of Vitamin D

Distribution of vitamin D between subcutaneous, omental adipose tissue similar for obese, non-obese
Treatment with the ULTIMA system

Thermal Lipolysis Linked to Reduction in Waist Circumference

Statistically and clinically significant reduction in abdominal circumference three months after tx