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Tag: Family

From 1976 to 2016

1976 to 2016 Saw Drop in Firearm Ownership in Families

However, proportion of white families who have young children and own handguns increased
Structured communication involving families

Structured Family-Centered Peds Rounds Improve Patient Safety

Forty percent decrease seen in harmful errors; decrease also in nonpreventable adverse events
Among adolescents and young adults

Family Functioning Does Not Impact Family Dinner, Diet Link

Frequent family dinners tied to higher-quality dietary intake, regardless of level of family functioning
Partners of people with newly diagnosed diabetes have small but significant differences in health-related behavioral changes compared with partners of people without diabetes

Diabetes Diagnosis May Impact Health Behaviors of Family

Small changes in health behaviors seen for partners of those newly diagnosed with diabetes
The American Medical Association calls for inclusive family and medical leave policies to support lesbian

AMA Calls for Inclusive Family, Medical Leave Policies

Association will advocate for policies inclusive of LGBTQ workers
Treatment outcomes for adolescents with eating disorders seem to correlate with family reports of perceived helpfulness of the family-based treatment approach

Family-Based Treatment of Teen Eating Disorders Helpful

Findings based on mothers' and teens' perception of helpfulness and outcomes of family-based treatment
Physicians should be aware of societal codes of conduct that affect family beliefs and behaviors regarding information disclosure to pediatric patients

Docs Should Be Aware of Family Beliefs Regarding Nondisclosure

Evidence from Middle East literature suggests variability in practices, preferences of truth telling
Implementation of a family-centered rounds (FCR) checklist and associated provider training is associated with an increase in the number of FCR elements performed

Checklist for Family-Centered Rounds Deemed Beneficial

Implementing checklist improves delivery of FCRs, impacting quality and safety of care
Prior advance care planning cuts surrogates' decision-making burden

Advance Care Planning Cuts Burden of Decision Making

Prior advance care planning reduces decisional conflict of surrogates for critically ill patients
There are no significant differences in outcomes or processes of care for U.S. hospitals with policies allowing for family presence during resuscitation compared with hospitals without this policy

Outcome Not Affected by Family Presence During Resuscitation

No significant differences in outcomes of processes of care for hospitals with versus without FPDR