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For healthy long-term multifocal wearers

Intermediate Addition Multifocals Provide Good Gait Safety

Similar effects for intermediate addition progression-addition lenses, distance single-vision spectacles
Cataract surgery is associated with a reduction in the number of patients with dizziness

Reduction in Dizziness, Not Falls, After Routine Cataract Surgery

Dizziness significantly improved after first or both eye cataract sx; nonsignificant drop in fall rate
Patients treated in the emergency department for a fall may be there due to an underlying infection

IDSA: Infections May Be the Underlying Cause of Many Falls

Illness can lower blood pressure, lead to dizziness, researchers say
Delivering vitamin D supplements to homebound seniors might help lower their risk of falls

Vitamin D Tied to Fewer Falls in Homebound Seniors

Homebound elderly might benefit from supplementation, research suggests
The number of American seniors who die from fall-related injuries has nearly doubled since 2000

CDC: Mortality Rate From Falls Up for U.S. Seniors

Researchers also report that car crashes cause 1 in 7 unintentional deaths in older Americans
Patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy have greater maximum and range of separations of their center of mass from their center of pressure

Balance Compromised in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Greater maximum and range of separations of center of mass from center of pressure in DPN
For older women

Exercise Training Cuts Rate of Injurious Falls in Older Women

Reduction in rate of injurious falls and injured fallers; neither exercise nor vitamin D impact fall rate
Millions of Americans aged 65 and older fall every year

Many Seniors Not Reporting Falls to Physician

Fewer than half tell their doctor of fall, researcher notes