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There is uncertainty regarding the effect of exercise and other interventions on the prevention of falls in patients with multiple sclerosis

Evidence Uncertain Whether Interventions Prevent Falls in MS

There are few studies, most of which are small trials and of low quality because of study methods
Use of hearing aids is associated with lower risks for being diagnosed with Alzheimer disease

Hearing Aid Use Tied to Lower Risk for Dementia, Depression, Falls

Findings revealed in large study of older adults with hearing loss
Use of antiarrhythmic drugs is associated with a higher risk for fall-related injuries and syncope among older patients with atrial fibrillation

Antiarrhythmic Drugs May Up Fall Injuries in Older A-Fib Patients

Risk for fall-related injury and/or syncope higher for antiarrhythmic drug alone, with rate-lowering drug
Benzodiazepines and muscle relaxants are associated with serious falls among people living with HIV in their 50s

Serious Falls Pose Risk to People Living With HIV

Benzodiazepines, muscle relaxants related to serious falls in people living with HIV
Subclinical cardiovascular disease appears to be an independent risk factor for falls in older adults

Subclinical Cardiovascular Dz May Up Fall Risk in Older Adults

Higher measures of subclinical myocardial damage, cardiac wall strain linked to new falls
From 2000 to 2016

2000 to 2016 Saw Mortality From Falls Increase for Seniors

Home-based strength and balance retraining exercise program can reduce falls among seniors
Postdischarge fall-related injury is a leading readmission diagnosis for seniors

Postdischarge Fall-Related Injury a Top Readmission Diagnosis

FRI second-leading diagnosis for readmission with FRI and cognitive impairment at index admission
Treating high blood pressure is not associated with an increased fall risk among older women

No Increased Fall Risk With HTN Treatment in Older Women

Lower incidence rate ratios found for women with treated controlled hypertension, treated uncontrolled HTN
Older men and women have different fall risk profiles

Fall Risk Factors Vary by Gender in Older Adults

Factors may ID older men and women at short- and long-term risk for injurious falls
Both short and long sleep duration and poor sleep quality are associated with increased odds of recurrent falls in women

Sleep Length, Quality Linked to Risk for Falls, Fractures

Women with less than five, more than 10 hours of sleep, poor sleep quality at increased risk for falls