Tag: Eye / Vision Problems: Misc.
All Types of Visual Impairment Linked to Dementia Prevalence
Dementia prevalence higher among those with near VI, contrast sensitivity impairment, and moderate or worse distance VI
Determinants of Overall Survival in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Identified
Female sex, anti-CTLA‐4 therapy, and anti-PD‐1 therapy linked to better overall survival, while worse survival seen with hepatic metastases
Sutureless Conjunctiva-Sparing Müllerectomy Is Promising
Sutureless conjunctiva-sparing Müllerectomy shorter than traditional Müller muscle-conjunctival resection for posterior ptosis repair
ADA: Childhood Hyperglycemia Linked to Future Microvascular Complications
Higher HbA1c, two-hour plasma glucose linked to significantly increased risk of retinopathy in children without T2D
Gender Differences Seen in Toxoplasmosis Eye Disease Symptoms
Women more likely to experience repeat cases and have more than one lesion
Dexamethasone Best for Persistent, Recurrent Uveitic Macular Edema
Significantly greater reduction in macular edema seen with dexamethasone versus methotrexate, ranibizumab; BCVA significantly improved with dexamethasone during follow-up
Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in the United States Remains High
Estimated prevalence was 9.60 million in 2021, corresponding to 26.43 percent of those with diabetes
AI Can Estimate Best-Corrected Visual Acuity With Diabetic Macular Edema
Mean absolute error was within 10 letters of actual best-corrected visual acuity
Automated Diabetic Macular Ischemia Algorithm Predicts Retinopathy Progression
DMI algorithm using optical coherence tomography angiography images predicts diabetic retinopathy progression, DME development, visual acuity deterioration
Bespoke, Code-Free AI Model Beneficial for Retinal Images
Bespoke and code-free deep learning models can discriminate healthy retinal images from ones with features of pre-plus or plus disease