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Tag: Eye / Vision Problems: Misc.

Eye Tracking of Social Visual Engagement Predicts Autism Diagnosis


Findings seen among 16- to 30-month-old children referred to specialty autism clinics

Young Smokers Report More Ocular Symptoms


Teen, young adult users of e-cigarettes and cigarettes more likely to have severe, frequent ocular symptoms

Omega-3, -6 Fatty Acids No Aid for Vision Among Extremely Preterm Infants


Findings seen for visual acuity at 2.5 years of corrected age, but authors note that high loss to follow-up rate may have impacted findings

AI Model Can Respond Appropriately to Ophthalmology Questions


Likelihood of chatbot answers containing incorrect or inappropriate material comparable with human answers

Thickness of GCIPL, INL of Retina Reduced in Parkinson Disease


Findings seen among patients with prevalent PD in the AlzEye cohort and for incident PD in the U.K. Biobank cohort

Blue-Light Filtering Lenses Seem Not to Be Beneficial


Lenses do not seem to attenuate symptoms of eye strain with digital device use, offer no meaningful difference in changes to CFF

FDA: Do Not Use Dr. Berne’s and LightEyez Eye Drops Due to Bacteria, Fungus


No adverse events from using the drops have been reported so far, but the FDA warns the products should be thrown out because using them could lead to vision-threatening infections

Rates of Primary Care Physician Vision Testing Examined in Children


Estimated 30.7 percent of children aged 3 to 17 years received PCP vision testing, with reduced odds for uninsured, publicly insured

Living in Warm Average Temperatures Tied to Vision Impairment in Older Adults


Findings seen for those living in counties with average temperature ≥60 degrees Fahrenheit over their lifetime

FDA Approves Xdemvy for Demodex Blepharitis


Significant improvements seen in reduction of collarettes in as early as two weeks