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Tag: Exercise: Misc.

For individuals with dysregulated type 2 diabetes

Liraglutide May Blunt Impact of Exercise in Dysregulated T2DM

Improvement in early diastolic myocardial tissue velocity in placebo, not liraglutide group
For older male veterans

Primary Care Exercise Counseling Cost-Effective for Older Men

Total direct cost of the intervention was $459 per participant; mainly for counselor effort
Inactivity is associated with greater risk of prediabetes and diabetes

Prediabetes Linked to Sedentary Lifestyle, Even in Slim Adults

Sedentary lifestyle often overlooked when thinking in terms of healthy weight, researcher says
A physician-delivered step count prescription strategy with an individualized rate of increase can result in an increase in step count/day

Step Count Prescription Strategy Can Up Steps/Day

Net increase of 20 percent in steps/day with physician-delivered step count prescription strategy
Exercise can help cancer patients cope with their treatment

Decreased Physical Activity Common After Cancer Diagnosis

But researchers say physical activity can improve odds of recovery and survival
Just a half hour a day of moderate physical activity could improve survival odds for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer

ASCO: Moderate Activity Tied to Longer Survival in Advanced CRC

Patients only appeared to derive benefit from moderate -- not vigorous -- activity
Just 20 minutes of moderate exercise may reduce inflammation in the body

Brief Bouts of Exercise Can Reduce Inflammation

20 minutes on a treadmill linked to drop in immune cells tied to inflammation
Higher moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at age 6 and 8 years predicts fewer symptoms of major depression two years later

Physical Activity Predicts Depression in Middle Childhood

Higher moderate-to-vigorous physical activity predicts fewer symptoms of major depression
Children with behavioral disorders might fare better at school if they get some exercise during the day

Intense Aerobic Exercise Can Cut Behavioral Issues in School

Use of 'cybercycles' reduces classroom disruptions for children with autism, ADHD, other concerns
Weekend warriors may add almost as many years to their life span as those who work out all week long

Reduced Mortality Seen for ‘Weekend Warriors’

Those who exercise one, two days a week see similar health benefits to those who work out regularly