Tag: Exercise: Misc.
Young, Healthy Adults Expend More Energy While Standing
Energy expenditure significantly higher in standing positions versus lying or sitting
CDC: Prevalence of Meeting Exercise Guidelines Recently Increased
Despite increase, overall prevalence remains low
Higher Levels of Exercise in Childhood Improve Heart Health
Better cardiovascular health indicators seen with engaging in higher levels of physical activity
2000 to 2016 Saw Mortality From Falls Increase for Seniors
Home-based strength and balance retraining exercise program can reduce falls among seniors
Digestive Disease Week, May 18-21
Digestive Disease Week 2019 The annual Digestive Disease Week, sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American Gastroenterological Association,...
Depression, PTSD Linked to More Participation in Cardiac Rehab
Participation in cardiac rehabilitation up for patients with ischemic heart disease, comorbid conditions
Light, Incremental Physical Activity Can Help Reduce Brain Aging
Each additional hour spent in light-intensity physical activity equivalent to about 1.1 years less brain aging
Home-Based Cardiac Rehab May Be Option for Some Heart Patients
Short-term clinical outcomes improved similarly for home-based, center-based cardiac rehabilitation
Prevalence of TV, Video Watching High, Stable 2001 to 2016 in U.S.
Increase seen in estimated prevalence of computer use outside school or work for one hour/day or more
Moderate/Vigorous Exercise Attenuates Risks of Sitting
Sitting time linked to all-cause, CVD mortality in least active adults; MVPA can attenuate these links