Tag: Exercise: Misc.
Exercise Affects Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Nonsignificant effect seen for exercise on depression among patients with schizophrenia
Physical Activity Cuts Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Distress
Findings similar for healthy adults, as well as those with mental health or physical conditions
Better Sleep Tied to Better Adherence to Lifestyle Modifications
During weight loss intervention, those with better sleep were more likely to follow caloric intake and exercise recommendations
Exercise Levels Linked to Lower Chronic Disease, Mortality Outcomes
15.7 percent of all premature deaths could be averted if all insufficiently active individuals achieved 8.75 mMET-hours/week
Lower Mortality Seen for Patients Participating in Home-Based Cardiac Rehab
After adjustment for patient demographics and comorbid conditions, mortality remained lower for home-based cardiac rehab participants
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Improved With Exercise
Clinically meaningful treatment response occurs independently of weight loss
Being Physically Active Linked to Higher Later-Life Cognitive State
Effect sizes similar across all adult ages and for those who were moderately and most physically active
Intermittent Fasting Plus Exercise Aids Hepatic Steatosis
Among patients with obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, benefits seen for weight, insulin sensitivity, and liver enzymes
More Physical Activity Cuts Hospitalizations for Common Conditions
Findings seen for 20 extra minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily
Combo of Low Screen Time, High Step Count Needed to Control BMI in Teens
High daily step count may not offset higher overweight or obesity risk for adolescents with eight or more hours of screen time