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Tag: Endometriosis

Traumatic Experiences Associated With Endometriosis


Strongest associations seen for contact, emotional, physical, and sexual traumas

Risk for Premature Mortality Increased With History of Endometriosis


Elevated risk for premature death found in age-adjusted models; association strengthened after adjustment for confounders

Risk for Ovarian Cancer Increased for Women With Endometriosis


Highest risk for all ovarian cancers, types I and II ovarian cancer seen for women with deep infiltrating endometriosis, ovarian endometriomas

Recommendations Developed to Improve Endometriosis Diagnosis


Recommendations include transvaginal ultrasound of posterior compartment, observation of relative positioning of uterus, ovaries

Endometriosis Tied to Higher Rates of Hysterectomy Complications


Findings seen despite associations between endometriosis and younger age, lower likelihood of chronic conditions

Delays in Endometriosis Diagnosis Tied to Increased Health Care Utilization


Increased health care utilization seen up to 10 years before diagnosis with increases closer to diagnosis

Prevalence of Endometriosis Increased With Cadmium Exposure


Twofold increase seen in prevalence of endometriosis for cadmium concentration in second and third versus first quartile

Incidence Rate of First Live Birth Lower for Women With Endometriosis


Fertility rate before surgical diagnosis was lower for women with endometriosis than reference women

Fibroids, Endometriosis Tied to Higher Ovarian Cancer Risk


Hysterectomy modifies risk for cancer but not equally for Black and White women and for both conditions

Endometriosis Causally Associated With Ischemic Stroke


Most significant causality was found between infertility-related endometriosis, cardioembolic ischemic stroke