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Tag: Electronic Cigarettes

Benefit of E-Cigarettes for Quitting Smoking Unclear

E-Cigarettes as Consumer Devices May Not Improve Smoking Cessation


In randomized clinical trials, e-cigarette use linked to more quitting for smokers provided e-cigarettes versus conventional therapy

SB 12/17 -- After Years of Increases

Tobacco Product Use Decreased Among U.S. Middle, High School Students


Decreases seen in current use of any tobacco product, any combustible tobacco product, multiple tobacco products from 2019 to 2020

B 12/3 -- Teen Smoking Rates Drop

Teens Still Able to Access E-Cigarettes During COVID-19 Pandemic


Some report changing their point-of-purchase to access products during the pandemic

Teen E-Cigarette Use Ups Odds of Smoking Cigarettes


Findings seen among teens with no previous intention to smoke conventional cigarettes

Benefit of E-Cigarettes for Quitting Smoking Unclear


Nicotine e-cigarettes added to counseling improved abstinence at 12 weeks, but not at 24 weeks

Nicotine electronic cigarettes improve long-term smoking cessation compared with nicotine replacement therapy

Electronic Cigarettes Improve Long-Term Smoking Cessation

Quit rates higher in people randomly assigned to nicotine e-cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy
The most notable increase in e-cigarette use from 2014 to 2018 occurred among younger-adult never smokers and near-term quitters (those who quit combustible cigarettes one to  eight years before)

Young Adult Never Smokers Show Growth in E-Cigarette Use

Results show nicotine initiation with e-cigarettes among young, switch to e-cigarettes in smokers
Use of electronic cigarettes by teens is not significantly associated with wheezing

E-Cigarette Use Not Tied to Wheezing in Teens

Findings similar for e-cigarette use in the past year, 30 days, or seven days
Many parents are unaware of their children's noncigarette tobacco use

Many Parents Unaware of Their Children’s E-Cigarette Use

Setting strict rules about tobacco use in the home tied to less youth tobacco initiation
There was a marked increase in electronic cigarette use from 2017 to 2018 in the United States

E-Cigarette Use Increased Significantly From 2017 to 2018

From 2016 to 2018, there was also an increase in daily use, sole e-cigarette use